Sunday, April 18, 2010

Popcorn Lab

First, we took a paper bag filled with many kernels. We put it in the microwave and pressed popcorn. After about a few seconds, we heard popping. It was the kernels turning into popcorn. The reason why the kernels popped was because heat will be transferred to the kernels, causing them to expand and pop. Kernels are filled with water, so when the heat is transferred to the kernel, the water turns into steam, which causes the kernel to pop. In the microwave, radiation was the kind of heat that was transferred to the kernels. Radiation is the transfer of heat energy through an empty space. Radiation was the kind of heat that caused the kernels to pop into popcorn in the microwave.
After we popped the bag of kernels in the microwave, we put kernels in a popcorn popper. What happened was the popcorn popper moved around the kernels, and then they started popping. The heat that was transferred to the kernels in this popcorn popper was convection. Convection is a transfer of heat energy from a fluid. The water inside the kernels turned into a gas, which is why the kernel popped.
In the end, the reason why the kernels popped in the microwave was because of radiation, and the reason the kernels popped in the popcorn popper was because of convection. Both radiation and convection are methods of heating.

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